Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thank God for Peter Angelos

I still don't have a strong sense of who would win the Bedard-Jones trade if it ever, you know, happens, but I tend to trust Dave Cameron's instincts on these things, so I'll go out on a limb and say that the Orioles are coming out on the better end of things.

But better than merely relying on an expert's opinion is the fact that Peter Angelos seems hesitant to do the deal. Let's review the bidding on Angelos' other key decisions during his tenure, courtesy of Will Leitch's helpful rundown in God Save the Fan:

  • Running legendary broadcaster Jon Miller out of town;
  • Running Davey Johnson out of town;
  • Letting Mike Mussina leave;
  • Alienating Brooks Robinson so badly that he refused to show up for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of his debut;
  • Raising ticket prices 22 percent in the face of declining attendance, but not until after slashing the team budget; and
  • Inspiring an annual fan revolt, to which he responded "whoever joins that protest has no comprehension of what it costs to run a baseball team." Meanwhile -- as the Orioles have sucked for a decade -- the value of the franchise has risen 425%.
In other words, if Angelos is against something, it's probably means it's something that would help the Orioles.

So cheer up, Seattle! This may be a blessing in disguise!


Unknown said...

Weren't we all led to believe that MacPhail took the job with the understanding that Angelos wouldn't meddle????

Evidently he scuttled the Roberts deal and MacPhail requires his approval to complete the Bédard deal?

Chris Needham said...

Don't forget how he's screwed over Nats fans, too. Most notably by extorting MLB to gain complete control over their TV rights, and preventing the majority of Nats fans from seeing the team on TV over their first two seasons. (Note: Only a bad thing that first season!)