Monday, April 7, 2008

Bye Bye Murray

The Big Lead reported on Friday that Murray Chass is about to get shoved out the door at the Times. This has created some degree of joy among those with a particular brand of monomania. It's also ironic because it means that the man who once said this:

"I hate bloggers." "Worst development in media business, anyone can be a blogger." "No credentials required, just spouting off their opinions." "Our wives could go on and do it if they wanted to."
. . . is probably now going to need his wife to go out and get a job. That is, if she can take time away from her blog, entitled ""

On a more thoughtful note, I'll say that Chass' attitude towards bloggers was particularly rich seeing as though the Times (a) has a baseball blog of its own; and (b) has something like thirty-six other blogs. They may not do it well (I kinda like Bats, but some of the other ones are rather sad), but at a time when the company is trying its damnedest to throw some bloghetti against the wall to see what sticks, Murray seemed even more disconnected than usual.

Note to Murray: ShysterBall could use a weekend editor. I need to see your credentials first, though, because not just anyone can do it.


Jon Shepherd said...

It makes me wonder what print types thought of radio or TV when they broke out with sports commentary. I imagine ESPN wasn't looked to kindly upon.

I think much of the anger toward bloggers has to do with a few things:
1. Bloggers are not beholden to larger institutions like a newspaper journalist would be.
2. Bloggers do not have to go through the same hoops as reporters do. None have to struggle at the Idaho Statesmen Daily before getting a better gig. They just have to write interesting things and last.
3. Bloggers use technology that is somewhat foreign to many writers. My father is a writer and has issues with windows applications. I cannot imagine he is the only one.
4. The Sabermetric movement has gotten the most traction in the blogging world. Newspaper men often do not understand new statistics and become frustrated that their print work gets raked by these bloggers who didn't pay their dues.

Unknown said...

I've only realized today that Mr. Chass is an enemy of the bloggers ( I read the same earlier today in Neyer's blog ).

I've always found Mr. Chass to be very informed on baseball business matters. I'm not alone, I've seen his work referenced in Zimbalist books for instance.

Having said that, I've rarely read his "baseball" stuff and can't comment on whether it's any good.

I was disappointed to learn he's being shoved out the door.